so, as i said.. work for reliance in matta fair, 3days.wokeup in a very very early morning...
a funny thing was, i'm no late .. !!
**clap clapssss
but sad case are.. its outdoor job!. =(
so far still ok la..
those girls are working together , all really nice!
and we do enjoyed this job and care of each other..

1st day start work is friday!
feel dont want miss this party fri...
so ~ so ~~ so ~~~ ..
after work, straight went home and rest awhile..
then waiting eric cheng came and fetched me =)
So, , , , , Poppy Garden !!
actually planed to Phuture wan...
babe vinky was there... =(
but, in last.. changed mind..
* me .bB *
did u feel almost the party pics was u in the 1st!!
did u feel almost the party pics was u in the 1st!!
* so , got this !!! *
* wei wei. me . bB * babe wei~~
* turn to playing spec of gary * drunk???
* babe xiao .me *
* me. bB. xiao. mun *
*bB. me . chun [ from taiwan ] *
* me. gary *
* me. hanz *
* ru. ling . me. berry *
new kaki in poppy??
norla... they are shino friends..
met them at there ..
new kaki in poppy??
norla... they are shino friends..
met them at there ..
* shino . me *
* bB. wai yeap. me *
* ru. me . ling *

planed dont want sleep after party...
but.. failed.. fall sleep when shino sending ru thy go home.. =(
so, slept 2hours ..
after that went for work..
thanks for shino send me to work..
and yet, yesterday before finish work.
saw jolin step out from alfa 8883 and step into pacific hotel.
then i realised , she'r representative for taiwan tour..

doing fishing when work.. after noon.
lucky.. we do have a short break for 15min after work each 1hour..
took the short break for nap..
* lili. wei wei. me *
and so, reliance was provide lunch and dinner too..
very good rite??
somemore, our dinner was buffet!
finally its last day for work..
* i keep joke with my friends ,
i do really wish myfuture daughter same pretty as her !! *
i do really wish myfuture daughter same pretty as her !! *
* with the mc *
i got the balloon in flower!!
like it much !!!
found a cute pic~
and forgot when cam wan..
* shino and my lovely billy *
* same pose ?!?? *
went to PJ for fitting our uniform for this weekends job..
met fong fong..
a very funny thing happen..
cause she guess who am i.. and i dont knw who are her at the 1st.
* me. fong *
met my darling!!!
same high school... ! somemore in freelance world together !!
miss thy so much !!!
* me. ashley *
* me . genki *
knw what gonna happen , when this 3 stick together??!
its talk non stop and laugh wunt stop too!!
after that, catch shino ..
went Dr Jart. and visited his friends..
for some must think , today is a very special thing~!
am i???
ermm.. i dont think so ..................
had bak ku teh before headed to pailion..
after that, walk around........
went to Island and chilling..
* after chill at island. *
move to setapak to had supper...
* he like this pose.. *
and also..
got many friends call and msg..
they said saw me appeared in star newspaper..
feel curious why ...
then bought...
found this..
* 8sep 2009. star newspaper *
and finally..
i upload all the pics in fb.. and update my blog..
have to work tmr again..
this time work for triumph .
there got new product launching..
have to sleep early tonight !
good night every one !!!
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