5/10/2009work for 3days at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre , for World Military Medicine Expo 2009.
my military uniform....
damn cold there!
the 1st day i worked, i thought was militray uniform sure all long wan...
who know???! its all short !
when break i straight went to klcc bought sweater!
my job? easy.. just standing there, gave out flyers ~
after finish work, got eric chan call for movie..
then caught babe ru , ling they also at klcc, so we all watched together =)
* me. babe ru *
* me . babe ru . mum ling *
we headed to the apartment for drank =)

after movie , we headed to BAH KU TEH ...
this is what my booth thingssss..
today, my job more easier !!
just stood there, flyers also no need to gv out !
after work, went home, and waited shino came over my hs and took dinner.
* used his nokia E71, camera to cam cam..
my sony was better than his wan.
my sony was better than his wan.

he fetched me work for the second day..
early morning.......
my face looked fat .. gosh..
* my breakfast.*
* reached there early, then waiting the work time *
after worked for 3days..
really tired, even the job scope very very easier~
but i had to wokeup early..
this already is my weakness...=p
so, i rest at home for 2days...
no club..
so good girl..
and more important thing is ,,,
accompany my lovely SON , Billy !!!!
Happy Moon Cake Festival .
why i cam this moon cake?
because i like to eat this more than the mooncake ur buy and promo in market..
2/10/ 2009
worked HennessyArtistry at Quattro .

met my darling evom and lyndie..
cam after changed the uniform ..
* elaine . darling evom. me . sweetie lyndie *
* me . elaine *
* my darling evom *
* sor poh bell *
* yumi wong. *

same job scope as last time i worked..
easy job also.. ! and finished job 1hour earlier.
and so too, met many friends there!
* the girls ! *
* yeah!! our gang for club forever !!
love ur all !!
love ur all !!
* blue moon night?? changed to blur moon night ady! *
our hanz , drunk like hell~
* waiting hanz vomit-ing *
cam again..
* the .. mm.. hehehe *
actually our planned was luna bar ..
but, because the timing..
so no choice..
changed to Quattro..
but lucky, i got my petsis VINKY LIM
too miss her so much..
hug hug**
because of work and my lazy, so i less club ady.. =s
* my baby *
* sexy back *
* the cutie berry *
* crazy cam ! *
* the sot sot lou *
* me . jay *
* jen *
* shino . me *
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