12/ 11 / 09
went to Sunway Hotel worked as usher..that was raining whole day.
and so too, really really lucky, i reached there on time and im the 1st person to reached ..
even the agent still on jam.. lolsss
ur all knew if u're my friends in facebook that I keep updated my status at there ..=p
reached there and waiting my darling evon also..
luckily I got her after 15minute .
if not, i sure boring like hell .. =p
* me and my darling evon *
agent said start work in 7pm at 1st..
but then we waited until 8.30pm only start.
happy with that..
late work , finished work on time.
and so too, those girls were work this job, all is my friends!
miss they so so much!!
talk non stop when we all met again !
seems like women whose keep gossp there gossip here.. lolss
* the babe girls *
* let my babe genki tangkap , i cam myself ..lolssss *

* joanne. me. my darling evon. my babe genki *
* my sexy darling *
a very very easy job, just walked there and here, and went to wash room chat and cam cam..lolsss ..
after finished work , cm and wayne came sunway to find me.
then we headed to SS2 for my dinner!
( 11pm plus, my dinner time, somemore i only took the maggie for whole day.. =s )
We went Murni for makan..
I Miss there so much! and miss the mango special juice !
more post will update soon !!
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