25 / 12 / 2009

19:18 Jacqueline Chuah 0 Comments

How you guys celebrated your Christmas ??
Hope you all are full of enjoying in this bless day.

My friends keeping asking " Why you didnt update your blog nowadays? "
since I'm busy for work and something nowadays, so tired and a abit lazy.. =p
Luckily, I got Streamyx to helping for update my blog !
It's fast and save my time !!

24 / 12 / 09

My Christmas Eve..
Just a simple to passed.
Because I dont want to stay home with alone again like the last year Christmas.
and so too my friends not allow me staying home too. =p
We party at PHUTURE with the PLAYMATE group again.

* the Christmas feel at Zouk *

random random ~~

* their sticker and the key for the guy in the night . *

* the comp *

* the girls and me *

* party gangs *

*  munmun. xiao xiao *

* the guys *

* jay .  *

* bump into victor tan in  Zouk. *


* they 're doing video recording there *

                                                            kean *

*  sky *

25 / 12 / 2009

Me and my friends dinner at The Ship on Christmas night.

We craving for turkey.. who know? !
Turkey was out of order.. =s

* the environment for Christmas . *

* pet sis vinky . chanel *

Try to guess where we go after dinner?
Kajang for massage !

* here the place !!!!! *

anyways, I enjoying it!

Thanks my friends !

I'm the girl who like
to arrange and decorate Christmas Tree
with someone that I love.

I do wish ,
in my future..
When The Christmas Eve,
I can arrange and decorate the Christmas tree with
my cute son, pretty daughter,
and my husband do love me much,
and of course my lovely son Billy must be with me and them.
While decorate the Christmas tree the dog keep run around,
smell the tree try to bite the bell.

Son and daughter are guessing what the present inside the box .
The husband with me is decorate the Christmas Tree together with son and daughter
and the husband give me a kiss.

Last countdown together and waiting the clock in wall
ticks to 12am.

end here .


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