14 . 2 . 2010

YeAh !
Thats Chinese New Year and also Valentine's Day.
This is the 1year I didnt back hometown Ipoh, with my mum. ^^Y
At the 1st, I felt excited.. why? because I never celebrated Chinese New Year at KL and I can invited my friends come my house party ! !
yuuuhuuuuu!!! ^^Y
Nian Chou Yi.. [ the 1st day of CNY ]
im the one who keep want LOU SHANG !
then we date the friends who also at KL dinner together !
before planning want buy the materials and LOU at my house.
But after think we also have to dinner too..
So better go restaurant more convenience after only back my house for play! =p
Sister and her bf went Tesco to buy some beer, champagne, snacks for the " party ".
* my lou shang *

after we lou lou lou.. til this pattern... ==ll

after that, must be dinner time !!
a very happy dinner with the gang..
also a 1st time dinner when chu yi with friends friends..
normally, nope normally, is every year , all the chu yi also dinner with my Big Family at Ipoh..
This year was different. ((=
by the way, the results is... the CNY feel in KL is damn boring !
I prefer Kampong !!!!
The scene of bustle and excitement !!!
Long times didnt sit inside my mum car.. and long didnt kiss and hug my patrick..=p

after dinner home home and start " party party " !
* edmund . my son billy *

this what the " party " I mention !! =p

* my house sponsor this ! lols *

Ben . my lovely son like to stick with him
because he also gt doggie.. so got the smell of dog..
because he also gt doggie.. so got the smell of dog..

* This the new look for my lovely son .. *

i will try my best to upload all the post up !
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