24 .10. 2010
Since how long I never post Party post?Quite less party at this few month..
Because of working, Lazy of makeup after off work.
But I did promised myself... !
This year the Biggest Hennessy Artistry Party I have to attend !
Because last year I did work for this party as usherer..
I saw almost lot my friends party there, but I have to work.. Sad Case rite?
Soooooooooooo, this year ! I dont want work for that ,
But.. in the end.. I got a call from a agent..
He asked me want work for this Hennessy Artistry anot...
and thats 2hours before the party start?
'' ALL ACCESS '' ticket for me and I can meet with all the artis on that night !
WOooWwww ~!! I straight confirm !
It's mean I can earn the money and once party start mean I end job and can party with my friendsss!! HOW GOOD ! ! =b
Somemore the pay of the job also NOT BAD for this 2 hours plus easy job too ! ^^Y
this my my party and working look on that night.
the driver for that night ! Ivan Chen ! (=
this my working partner + my dear !
Evon Yoong !
Evon Yoong !
bumped Foo!
Yeah... We're working..
And of cause all of ur know who's this group who from Taiwan !
Yeah ! Party Start !
let's the photos story it as usual !
And of cause all of ur know who's this group who from Taiwan !

after 45mins , Job end early ! =B
Happy happy !! ^^Y
somemore the pay still the same pay for 2hours ! wahhahahahah!!
Happy happy !! ^^Y
somemore the pay still the same pay for 2hours ! wahhahahahah!!
Yeah ! Party Start !
let's the photos story it as usual !
Miss Nina !
of cause the MOST FAMOUS song She is MUST sing on that night !
" What You Waiting For "
" What You Waiting For "
the moment most of them are waiting long !!
Da Mouth on stage !!!!!!
Da Mouth on stage !!!!!!
the Main iteam of night!
Hennessy !
Hennessy !
me. vivian. the sorpo bB =b
jing hua. me
( wearing high heels still very short when stand beside him .. s= )
and finally , chloe ying taller than he ! LOL
the girls playing with the glasses !

me. the suipo Suphie . sister vivian.
me. wei wei. and sweetie vivi !
Yeah! Finally the party put a FULL STOP around 3am something !
I did enjoying the party with my friends and hot babes too !
I will attending this Hennessy Artistry Party Next Year as well !
more post will updating soon !
stay tuned !
stay tuned !
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