31. 12 . 2010
Before the year end, I would like to share some Event life photos in this few month as memories at here ! (=
as usual , let's the photos brings you to..
18 .12. 2010
Working for Formula Drift event .
The weather was super hot !
but We still have to holding brand of the umbrella to walk around the park.
but We still have to holding brand of the umbrella to walk around the park.

I'm keep grumbled my hair on that day !
Not nice ! should be I just washing my hair at morning, when i clip it.. lot of babyhair flying !
I believe lot of your watch drift before right?
how about try before?
Yes! I'm the one force to be tried ! ><
I'm 1 of the umbrella girl for a drift artist.
He's from Thailand. He got the list inside the competition, I guess he won laa...
so I have to following him to the runway for performance after show.
I dont know all there's gonna be a perform at 1st, I thought was normal drive and show audiences ..
Who know............................ he's giving speed and drift ....... I was like OHNO..
My face straight change GREEN s= , it's scary !!!
Know what ? it's seem like the tactic of several persons taking turns in fighting one opponent to tire him out !!!!!
But I still have to keep smilling , because the big screen is on showing ! ><
After introduction by MC.. we have to back to the carriage.
Before when going out from there my car door was close by him, then now when want going back the door was close by me, I feel unsafety..
Before he start his engine , I double confirm with him " ermm, excuse me.. sorry.. i wanna double confirm that my door aldy close off ? "
He was giving the speeding again when drive back to the track....... this time better !
My friends keep asking me how's the feel when sitting drift....
I was speechless..
They're bit want to try for but no chance.
But really good experience for me ! ><
18 .12. 2010
Freedom Rave Party
working for Rave Party with my babes !
the makeup artist use red eyes shadow put on our eyes..
weird feeling rite? @@
no choice.. working !
weird feeling rite? @@
no choice.. working !
me. moon.
rhea. me
my sui po christie
12 .12. 2010
Work as BMW Ambassador for X'mas Event.

with the sweet sweet candy. ^^
9 .12. 2010
Usherer for SOGO Fantasy Night with Elaine.
the butterfly fairy . (=

4 .12. 2010
usherer for LHFB Annual Dinner 2010.
28 .11. 2010
Usherer Job at Seremban.
me . suphie
me . suphie
the girls.
me . sister vivian
27 .11. 2010
Car show for Rx8.
26. 11. 2010
working with Elaine Chai at sunway and this Sunway Bear Bear !!
theres quite a easy job too!
theres quite a easy job too!

stay tuned !