outstation to malacca for a racing job ..actually dont wish to work wan. cause friends no selected ..
then the client keep want me to work.
i said i have no white boots, he said ok. fine. he ask me , got white sport shoe?
ya, i have.
"then i change ur position to promoter, ur pay only less than model rm30, ok for that? "
i just was like.. why keep want me work.
he said, actually thy heard that honda company said thy company no pretty model, so, he want find and show thy.
i just like haiz.. ok ok la..
then i said no transport, he find transport for me too..
how to reject?
the sad case were, i was only slept 1hour then wakeup for prepared.
why? nop club.
just dont knw why. cant fall slp . ='(
if knw like this, i rather go club spent for few hours. then rest awhile go work.
better than lying on bed looking the wall and the ti-ta clock .
anyways , wokeup in 4.45am for prepare.
* before go out from hs, cam with my son 1st * cause i'll miss him much . then i can read back the pic when i break or free and miss son. =)
took 1hour more to reached malacca.
the place call Ayeh Keroh.
* me and angela *
she very geng, before 1day,
badminton in noon, then back home shower go club
club til 3am something.
supper wif friends,
then straight work wif us.
no slp at all.
whole day, stand.
she very geng, before 1day,
badminton in noon, then back home shower go club
club til 3am something.
supper wif friends,
then straight work wif us.
no slp at all.
whole day, stand.
angela keep said, im very lucky.
and want change her uniform wif me.
cause the boots with high heels make her leg felt very pain.
really la.. i really lucky.. cause when reached thr, client ask me gt black heels anot.
i got! but lucky.. i not bring the cover toes wan.. if not i will same wif her.
want cry and back kl.
i mm song my makeup!
they help us make til like malay.. !&%%$
want sky blue wor!
cisin wan.
* cause wear sport shoe. stand with thy , i do really look short.. =( *

* angela. me. the 2 malay guy is the winner in racing , sharena *

* me . sharena *
she also the one who want throw her boots too!

* KL gang *

* finally finish our job *
* last pic for this makeup *
before back kl, the client ask me want join their full time model anot.
1mth rm5000. need to follow all the roadshow of faito. their company.
still gt travel to singapore, japan ..
i reject ady. cause this job. me and my friends only work 1day also complain whole days ady.
now ask me to follow their company for roadshow. job scope.. damn "funny" .
better kill me la..if want me to follow.
after the job, straight drive back to kl.
then met hanz and sis at mid valley. and dinner.
who knw.
thy want movie too.
no choice.
have to follow.
even hw tired am i .
we watched Drag Me to Hell.

quite a scary movie rite??
mayb im tired, when scary that part, im laugh at all.
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