just a simple post here..hahahaaa.
quite busy this few days and weeks.
so, lets start here.
stay at home few days , feel bored.and suddenly think of shopping..
so.. ask my sis and jason joined too.
* on the way *
and of course no enough of cash la...
if not... hahhaaa...
scare to image that....
and im keep said the same thing.......
"if i gt a credit card wif no limit? wao...."
actually who no think of it before?
im thinking everytime.
all of us were hungry...
so, headed to petaling street took this ,
* very nice to eat, and miss *
after lunch+ dinner.
moved to pavilion to movie after fetched babe vinky.

this show. actually..im waiting it show long.
but , in d end..
the results was gave me like.. " so-so lor "
after that , go home and sleep..
* i found a funny pic ! hahahaha! *

called by agent admit and ask me to interview a job.
i just like "huh" , cause the agent that i was work with her few times.
means , why still need to interview again?? and so, she thought her company beside my house ni. last minute call ppl go interview wan.
then what her admit said , want test my knowledge on the iphone.
i juse like" ceh.. iphone.. even i dont own it, but i had training in menara maxis and work it before.. of course i knw and use all "
then i said ok loo. go lor..
then when i get to go, she call me , find my agent.
then i called my agent.
she said no need interview. she knw me, and will send my profile to client.
yea.. free! no need waste my time go interview!
then date chee ling who back malaysia from japan ady 2mth and i have no time to meet her and vinky go shop..
yuhooooooooooo! i got many HELLO KITTY stuff from japan!!!
i love it much..
thanks chee ling........
[ 4gt to take pic , next time next time]
damn excited when she pass all to me!!
*vinky. chee ling . me*
after that, hanz , my sis, jason came and joined us.
they planed to movie.
i wish to watch 17th night wan..
but full.. and thy change show to PUSH.
at 1st. i scared this show will let me fall sleep if that are boring.

lucky.. this show not bad..
better than terminator =p
* reached home *
time to ciao!
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