sorry guys,late to update my blog.
my babe vinky keep complaining ...
lets come, 08/08/09 .
is my lovely son birthday !!
* this the 1st we took, when brought him back *
* and now .. *
1year old ady!.
time really pass fast ............
its saturday night again.
where to go?
party night... LOL
yea.. we do headed to Phuture again.
lets pics story about it.
* while waiting friend fetch *
reached thr .
my babe vinky almost drunk.
her face going to red red .
can find out in the pic...
* me . babe vinky *

* me . cm. alfred. babe vinky *

* ermm.. this pic, quite fun..
all of them push me cam again with alfred,
but then i called vinky come and acc,
and alfred tarik her too ,
urs can see the pic,
cm wanted to tarik vinky out from the camera *
all of them push me cam again with alfred,
but then i called vinky come and acc,
and alfred tarik her too ,
urs can see the pic,
cm wanted to tarik vinky out from the camera *

* me . cm ( a very funny guy ) *

* gary . alfred [ the good bro ] *

* me . davis *
party with those pilot and stewardess again.
and so , met tracy thr..
somemore our table was near .
* tracy . babe vinky. me *
the night, i was drunk.totally.
but i respect myself and keep remind me dont show my drunk situation infront of him
yea, i did it.
thanks my babe vinky, do always take care me when i was drunk.
she'r the one who wanted to drunk that night, but cant drunk at last..
cause have to take care of me and cass !
is my convo day.
means , i graduated too.
also 1of the reason i drunk that day too.
cause too fan ..
anyways , as my friends said.
go and enjoy take pics with ur friends.
yea. i do it too.
* my good buddy in class ! julian! *
* susan , me *
* kenny sis. kenny. julian. me *
*andrew . me *
*me. kiki *
*me .junyao*
*von. scott. me. olive.ypeng.ling *
* me .sam *
* me. eddie *
* my group!! *
i do really miss the moment we all rushing assignment,
shoot mv or short drama, although sometimes i work and i cant join.
they really very care and understanding what situation i am..
miss the time, we skip some of the boring class and headed to yumcha.
exchange assignment,
shoot until midnight, althought tired, but we have fun.
this 2year half, really pass fast.
and now, we all graduated , some of them have to move to taiwan,
or some have to back to hometown.
means, all of us, will less and meet up ady..
do take care all.
will catch ur all out!
Fight Fight Fight !!!
All the best to You gal~
thanks girl =)