31/7/2009, was my babe Vinky B'DAY!she waiting this day for long !!!
yea~ we headed to Phuture for celebrated.
and so too, Davis , 1of the pilot also same birth with babe vinky..
so, we celebrate together.
while waiting, i met eunice !
miss her miss her..
* eunice . me *
* us *
around 1am. the b'day girl only reached!
and finally i pass the present to her. and i can dance ady! =p
* the birthday guy davis and birthday girl *
* 3 of us *
* cm lee. alfred, me . davis *
* i like this pic much.. * 4of us .
our cass quite drunk that day...and celest almost too.
after club, we went to yum cha.
alfred gonna less club ady..
he have to study .. and take his captain..
the next day,
i still can wokeup in the early morning and work for pcfair !
geng lei..~
and then night, was 3th party for celebrated babe vinky b'day in poppy with another group of friends.
* me. xiao, cass. celest *
* she drunk *
met my high school buddies at thr too.
* xiao . me *
* wai yeap. me *
sat night in poppy, such a crazy night..
too crowded.
i just can stand on my site dance and drink.
actually will going drink more when stand at thr..=(
reached home..
i keep chat with vinky.
i cant sleep.
but she drank more , and fall as sleep early than me.
then, got alfred called and chat.
second days,
our girls keep gossip in d room after wokeup.
i quite enjoyed this life.
alfred keep said , is 8.
girls maaaaa...
3 of us , went for pan mee.
and i, start sorethroat, my voice was gone.
Thanks for my babe vinky, took medic for me.
night. went for movie with eric , hanz and my sis.
*having tea in coffee bean while waiting the show time ~ *

Really nice to watched !!! Roman and funny !! such a good show ! ! !
after the show also met bB and ah girl~we all sat in the same room and watched same show!
my solethroat changed to cough.
no voice and keep cough like hell now..
time to ciao..!
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